
2018 - 2019年本科 & 研究生目录



候选人 密歇根专业认证 必须符合以下要求:

  1. 持有密歇根州临时证书
  2. Teach successfully for three years after the issuance of the provisional certificate and according to its validity
  3. Show evidence of coursework in reading methods: six semester credits for elementary, 三为二级. (在密歇根, 1983年以后签发的临时证书, 在初始临时方案中满足要求.)
  4. Complete an approved state-required course (reading diagnostic) in the diagnosis and remediation of reading disabilities and differentiated instruction, 包括现场经验, 作为专业证书要求的一部分.
  5. Complete requirements from the professional development/coursework requirement options. Candidates should contact the College of Education Certification Administrator or visit the College of Education certification website at www.博天堂官方.edu/coe/professional 对于需求.

If necessary, the provisional certificate may be renewed for a three-year period. Additional information is available at the College of Education website at www.博天堂官方.edu/coe/续签/.


The Michigan Professional Certificate must be renewed every five years. Additional information is available on the College of Education website at www.博天堂官方.edu/coe/professional/.

学生 applying for professional certificate renewal must have an MEIS account and 透过网上自行登记,启动申请程序 密歇根州在线教育认证系统(MOECS). For instructions on how to create your MEIS account and apply for your renewal, 去 www.密歇根.gov / moec.


学生 applying for educator certificate must have an MEIS account and 透过网上自行登记,启动申请程序 密歇根州在线教育认证系统(MOECS). For instructions on how to create your MEIS account and apply for your initial Standard Teaching Certificate, 专业教师证书, 管理证书, 续签, 或者额外的背书给 www.密歇根.gov / moec.

Candidates should apply for certificate and/or endorsement(s) at the beginning of the semester in which they expect to complete all requirements. They should also be certain that they have an approved planned program and have met all university requirements for certification. 完成课程要求后, 候选人必须 在线启动流程 through the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS). For instructions on how to create an MEIS account and apply for additional endorsements or licensure, 去 www.密歇根.gov / moec.


It is recommended that candidates who select credit hours for professional development meet with an advisor in the College of Education to select appropriate course(s).

选项1. 硕士学位

Earning a master's degree from an approved teacher education institution with quality graduate education programs will enhance teacher skills at various levels. It is recommended that students meet with an appropriate College of Education advisor to select a planned program that meets their needs.

看到 教育研究生课程 节以获取更多信息.

选项2. 额外主修或辅修

The applicant may earn additional endorsements consisting of at least 20 hours within the College of Education or with approved subject area majors or minors: www.博天堂官方.edu/clasadvising/. For graduate endorsements, program advisors must approve all additional endorsements. Applicants adding additional subject area endorsements and endorsements at the graduate level must also pass Michigan subject area tests (MTTC).

选项3. 附加证书级别

This option is available for candidates who wish to become certified at a level other than that of their original certificate (example: a secondary teacher who wants to become elementary certified).


  1. 幼儿期背书
  2. 基本认可
  3. 二次背书

选项4. 专业发展

Candidates selecting credit hours for their professional certificate may select one of the above options in an approved planned program with a College of Education advisor or choose 课程 in subject matter related to the applicant's teaching grade level and content endorsement.


7月1日生效, 2009, candidates for the Michigan Professional Certificate to are required to complete a course in the diagnosis and remediation of reading disabilities and differentiated instruction. At 大峡谷州立大学, this requirement can be met with the following 课程 (选择一个):

Note: The reading diagnostics requirement mentioned above for progression to the 专业教师证书 是不同的 than the reading methods requirement for the Michigan Standard Teaching Certificate.


If you completed an initial teaching certificate at a Michigan Institution of Higher Education after 1985, your coursework likely already meets the reading methods requirement.

If you completed your initial teaching certificate out of state, please verify that the reading methods requirement has been met by your previous coursework with the GVSU Teacher Certification Officer in the College of Education Student Information and Services Center.

Completion of the reading methods and the reading diagnostics requirements are necessary to obtain a 专业教师证书.

Please note: All certification requirements are subject to change by the Michigan Department of Education.

Please note: All certification requirements are subject to change by the Michigan Department of Education.

如果你需要帮助,请 提交任何问题或意见.